Brian Williams - Can He Make It Back?
The Brian Williams story just makes me sad. It was bad enough he was caught earlier this year embellishing his exploits as a newsman. And...
Karma and the Teachable Moment
It was announced this week that diversity training, which has been optional, is now required for all employees at Microsoft. The goal is...
Rachel Dolezal - Say What??
I must admit I was fascinated when I first read the story of the Spokane woman, Rachel Dolezal, who said she was black but her parents...
Storytelling: The Best Way to Engage an Audience
My kindergarten teacher would likely be surprised to learn that I became a broadcaster and communications coach, because I found a note...
Manage the Fear of Public Speaking - Part 2
In last week’s post I encouraged you to see the nervousness before public speaking as a normal signal that all of your systems were...